Accessibility at the Core

Inclusion London: Weeknotes 5, by Jumoke Abdullahi

Inclusion London


Screenshot of a website mid development with accessibility options to the right

Things are starting to perk up! I have been spending more time engaging with the Disabled People’s Organisations that have been part of the project. It is exciting to see the great ideas and concepts that they are exploring during this project. The process of the DDPOs beginning to use different tools and applications to share their stories is being developed as a website.

The inclusion of various accessibility features, as shown in the image above, is the most promising part. Given that the life of the CAST/Catalyst work is rather short, this website that is still in development will enable many other DDPOs and those outside of the sector to create and document their own stories.

BSL interpreted videos and Easy Read language documents amongst other things will allow many to go through the same learning as our cohort at their own pace. The possibilities that abound with having a step by step guide on how to create and curate articles, are great.

While we are not at the end yet, I had been a bit disheartened that we had not been able to achieve on the ‘quantity’ side, but things are coming along in leaps and bounds on the ‘quality’ aspect. I’m hopeful that the work that has been created by the cohort will allow others to hit the ground running with their goals of sharing their own lived experiences.



Inclusion London
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Inclusion London’s mission is to promote Deaf and Disabled people’s equality and inclusion by supporting Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DDPOs).